Many questions are covered in the Guidelines. Please read them carefully as well. If you have a question that is not answered by either these FAQ's or the Guidelines, please email us at [email protected].
When are my payments due?
Payments of $260 per unit are due on the first of each month.
Where do I send my payments?
Mail your payment to:
Old Colony Townhouse Condominium Trust
PMB #235
11 Robert Toner Boulevard, Suite #5
North Attleboro, MA 02763
What do my monthly payments cover?
Monthly payments cover the cost of maintaining the common elements of the Association, a reserve for a new roof, painting, parking lot resurfacing, and an emergency reserve. They also cover all common care such as landscaping and snowplowing.
Can real estate signs be posted?
Real Estate signs may not be posted on the property. Open House signs may be posted on the day of the showing, but must be removed immediately at the end of the showing. Small "For Sale" signs may only be placed on the inside of the unit’s windows. "For Rent" signs are not allowed.
What is the formula for stain for new decks?
The formula is as follows (and can be purchased at Sherwin Williams):
Woodscapes Solid Color House Stain (Extra White)
BAC Color Rant 02 32 64 128
Y3 Deep Gold -- 3 -- --
B1 Black -- 30 -- --
N1 Raw Umber 2 26 -- --
Can I install a satellite dish?
Yes, Unit Owners are allowed to install a satellite dish, provided they comply with the antenna restrictions.
What type of pet may I own?
Unit Owners may own dogs, cats, and other common household pets. Reptiles are not allowed in any Unit. Pets shall be carried or on a leash when on any common area.
Can I install a window air conditioner in the summer?
Sorry, no. In-window air conditioners are not allowed, as they will change the outward appearance of the complex.
What part of the exterior is the responsibility of the Owner?
All exclusive-use elements are the responsibility of the Unit Owner. These include the windows, door frames, and the porches (decks).
Where do I send my complaints or suggestions?
Comments, complaints, and suggestions can be sent to the Board of Trustees via email ([email protected]) or via mail at the address below.
Answers to more questions can be found in the Guidelines.